Thursday, 7 April 2011

Filming session

Today we looked at doing our 3rd filming session with intensions to do a large part of filming, and it went to plan in some cases.

As a group we filmed the entire first verse and it went as planned, although straying from the storyboard only to benefit the video itself.
We filmed every thing we needed for the 1st verse and this has eased our time pressure. We have started to edit in the new footage and it is looking very promising, and as a group our motivation is still at an all time high. We want to use different effects to make it look professional and so far we feel we have accomplished this to the best of our abilities.
We want to use a variety of shots when filming and we have done this so far and will consistently do this throughout the filming to hopefully gain extra marks.

Ideas we moved forward with

Now we had a number of songs we felt would be good to use for our music video we began discussing ideas of what we could and what styles/ connotations we may like to consider when using these songs, these are the two songs were seriously considering to use and why:

B.o.b - Magic
This fast paced song would allow us to experiement with a number of cuts and camera shots, really playing with the editing to create a modern styled music video that plays upon fast movement and upbeat feel to the song.
Our particular idea for this song would be to show a day in the life of our character, going to an audition to perform infront of a judge and generally show the gradually rise to fame for this character.

Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Cant Stop
This song is very fast paced and would require many fast cuts and experiemental angles, the style of music will allow a lot of freedom in terms of what we want to do, and will allow us to play with the idea of tension buliding which is dispalyed within the song beat.We will look to once again follow the audition theme, however experiement with a lot more random connotations as this style of music allows such a thing due to its versitile lyrics.

Film preperation

Before we start filming we wanted to sit down a discuss exactly what were doing, such as where were starting, where were filming and whos going to be our main character. we came to the agreement that with the help of altering mise en scene and a little help from our friend final cut, we could easily use a simple setting such as one of our houses and edit it to give it a far more music video, and in some cases a rags to riches feel.

Evaluation Prep

Once our video is finished we as a group have to evaluate every area of the video and discuss the pros and cons of it. There are many ways of doing this but we as a group believe by making a powerpoint presentation with print screens of our work will give us a good building block to talk about our video.

We will record the presentation and afterwards we will answer pre set questions about our video. Within this discussion we will answer questions on all areas of our video.

Before recording our evaluation we will rehearse our lines so the delivery is correct and everything goes smoothly.

The evaluation side of the coursework allows us to show the audience how we feel the video went and give them more of an insight into the videos background.

Posted by Harry Foulger

Final Filming

For our Music Video to be complete we had to film for one last time to gather shots needed to fill in every missing spaces. We only needed a small amount of shots and went to my house to film the sequences needed. We tried to use a variety of different camera angles and camera movements in our shoot to give the video the professional edge we fill we have already.

As a group we believe filming went smoothly and there was no hiccups, we gathered all the shots needed and the shot we got were of a high quality. These shots will help us finished our Music Video

The Showcase

Within our class we came together and put a showcase together, with fellow students and teacher to watch our music video before they were fully completed. We believed this would help us with the final stages of creating the video as we can see what is going well and what needs to be changed. The showcase would allow peers and teachers to give us feedback on how our video is looking and any comments they had on it. We hoped to gather feedback in a variety different areas, for example editing and lighting etc.

Our teacher gave us each individual student a sheet to fill out with question about our videos. The questions consisted of, what was especially good about the music video. Would you watch it again? If yes why? If no, why not? And did you notice any errors within the video?, the sheet also asked the class to rate certain areas of our video out of 10 , were ten is the highest.
The class were asked to rate the, editing, sound, camerawork and the synchronising of sound.

Once our video was shown to the class we then discussed the pros and cons of it.
The class believed that a positive aspect of our video was indeed the editing , the edits were in time with the beat and there was a variety of different edits to keep the video interesting. Most people rated our editing with a 9 out of ten score, however our we did gather a piece of feedback that the editing was out off sync at one point so we will have to change that.

However a negative side of our video was the narrative and shot repetition, peers told us that they did not understand completely the narrative and also that there was too many off the same shot within the video. This gives us as a group something to discuss and hopefully change in the near future.

Posted By Harry Foulger

Filming Part 4

As you can see from the previous post, we are currently not finished our video, so we once again come together as a group and begin filming more shots for the video.
Before going out filming as a group we discussed the shots that we needed and to help us towards a high quality video. we not only disscussed the shots but also the lighting of the shots and the camera postions. We done this so that when filming all goes smoothly and there are no confusions.
Within this part of filming we gather a range of shots that we believe will have given us a great chance of produced a quality video.
We used a variety of places to film for the video to give the video a range of settings.

Posted by Harry Foulger

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Filming part 3

We have now edited the opening sequence to our video and are very happy with the results, the video so far is at the standard we hope to achieve.

As a group we went out to film the first verse for our video, this is a big chunk of the video so will take time. We had a few different locations for this part of filming so the video was not just a one setting piece. Filming went to plan and all the shots needed we got to a high quailty. Within our video so far there have been a variety of different shots and views and within the littke bit of editing we have done a vast amount of cuts have been used.

The video so far is looking good and hopefully this will carry on throughout.

Posted by Harry Foulger

Filming part 2

The first stages of filming did not go to plan so we went out and filmed again , for this particular shots we went to another member of the groups house to allow for the shots we needed.

Not only were we re-filming our open sequence we was also changeing it by now doing the whole sequence in a first person form. We hope this form will give our video a differnet edge and make it stand out.

Although filming took a long time we got the shots needed, as a group we come together to discuss these shots and on the hole they are exactly what we wanted. This will now allow us to edit giving us a chance to see how the video is going to look.

Posted by Harry Foulger

Friday, 11 February 2011

Filming in first person

As a group we are looking to film in first person in order to give out video its own unique narrative. Researching other music videos i found it rare to come by a video filmed in first person, which is very good to know for the group as we now feel we are pioneering the idea of first person filiming in music, as well as not being tempted to similarise are peice with other videos filmed in first person, basically allowing us freedom with our ideas.

I myself will be filming the first person shots, and personally i feel it is better to minimalise cuts if neccessary as its takes away from the narrative style.
I have also looked into how to master first person shooting, and i found it works well to never keep the camera at straight angle for too long or straight angle turns, as the whole point of the style of filming is to give it a naturalistic film. Personally i feel i pulled of this style of filming very well with help from group members.

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Group meeting

Just an update:
We met up to discuss how we are going to start our group blog and how we can make the work load even,maximising indivisual contribution as well as not forcing all work load upon one person. we found that it is best to just blog once or twice a week each, and if possible to communicate with at least one memeber of the group to go through ideas of the post and whether it is seen as relevent. We believe that this will make the work even and will make our group blog have many posts.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Making our artist look like a star

This is where research into my star model really paid off. To keep our artist, B Money,looking like a star and have a somewhat fame feel towards him, we have give him a specific 'look', just as most artists have in order to differentiate themselves to other artists and in turn start their own trends.. Kid Cudi in particular has his own image and he sticks to it where ever he goes, his style is something we associate with him. An extreme case of this would be Lady Gaga who is very much extreme when it comes to her choice in clothing and her style. We have given our artist a unique style with the clothes he wears, as the song Magic has an indie artist and a Hip-Hop rapper, which gives us freedom on what look we want for him. In this case we wish to keep him looking youthful yet a sense of status in the music industry so he doesn’t have a ‘newcomer’ look but a look that says to the audience he knows what he’s doing and his is no weak character.

Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Filming So Far

So far we have filmed the opening sequence of our music video.
Shooting took place at a member of the groups house to allow us to gather the shots we needed, whilst shooting we took into account the angle of the camera, mis en scene, and lighting etc.

In addition to this we also shot a few seconds worth of film in the school hall, as in our storyboard auditions take place and we believe this was a good setting for these shots.

Although we got the shots needed for the opening of our video as a group we had a discussion and decided that the shots were not good enough to uses, therefore making us film them again. This will help us in the later stages off filming as we know no the level of shots expected and will not settle for shots of a low quality.

Posted By Harry Foulger

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Storyboard... Lumby Producky

We created a storyboard in order for our filming to run smoothly. By having a storyboard, it will give the group direction and guidance during filming and also editing. We have covered all aspects included in the video, from the time of each shot to the next and the movement with in the shot. In addition to this, we have also included the type of shot and how we could edit once the filming has finished.

As a group we then discussed who we would actually use for the characters in the video, and where about's the shots will take place... Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.


Editing our music video was the most challenging part of our music video as many people would find when using a new software for the first time. We took more shots than needed when filming so we had options when editing, also gave us freedome to experiment with angles and cross cuttng with angles/scenes. Keeping to the beat with your edits we found is a very important factor as not doing so will make the video look out of place and have no real flow, effecting not only the video clarity but also the narrative. We have also attempted to keep the lyrics in sync with the actions of the artist, just to add to the effect of the narrative and give it a more thoughtful/professinal feel.

When it come to getting used to software in this case Final Cut Express it takes some dedication and time in learning how use and experiment with the software. As a group we have spent a lot of time on Final Cut so that we were ready to edit our music video to the best of our ability. We have found many useful effects that we have used in our peice however look not to over use effect as this would not show our real skill or potential of what we are able to do on final cut.

Monday, 10 January 2011

Editing Lip Sync

When editing our lip-sync task (preliminary task) I found that the software such as final cut express cut is easy to use once i got the hang of it. When firstly reading through the instructions it made the software look somewhat complex and it was clear a number of stages had to be gone through in order to simpley edit a few seconds of film, however when i started using it i found it was not difficult at all. We made all the cuts we needed and made the sound in time with the video to make it seem as real as possible. After we had put all our cuts in and put it all in line, we tried out all the effects to see how they would help us for our final task. We found that some of the effects didnt really do much but others will come in handy in our music video. I feel I have learnt all I need to know on the software to create a good music video and overall I am happy with the progress out group is making.

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Preliminary Task

For our preliminary task we filmed a varitey of shots to practice for our final piece and I feel as if it was a success however improvments can still be made. We used Final Cut to edit our filming and we all had a go at the software to get used to it and get a feel for what we would need to be doing as a group for our final peice.

We added the music to the video by importing it to Final Cut and it was easy enough to work out by our selves without any problems caused my importing etc. We then had to do the more complex part which was alining the sound to sync with our mouths/ movements to make it look real, after a bit of work we got it to look as realistic as possible.

During the filming we knew we had to actually sing the words out loud as we felt otherwise once finsihed it would not look realistic, so we did. We can see that it looks respectably realistic so we will use this technique in our final filming.

Overall we got a positive response from our prelim task, getting around 1000 veiws on youtube, clearly displaying it was a good attempt at a lip sync, with ofcourse its comedic values.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011


For our first day of filming, we decided to go to a group members house (chris) due to his house having a lot of space to film. We started out by renting out a HD camera from our Media department and then began. We got to 'the set' and then we got or main character B Money (played by ben) changed, ready for filming. We then filmed our opening 10 seconds in a first person style and this took a few takes and adjustments as we wanted the first approx 10secs to all be one cut. Althouh adjustments did have to be changed to our storyboard due to factors such as setting and spur of the moment ideas i feel it still provided as a guide and a benefited in giving us a sense of idea of what we was looking to capture.

After a couple hours of filming, we went back to school to upload what we had filmed onto the Mac's and see how it looked in sync with the music. As a group we felt that the filming was a great success, and we got a lot of good footage taken today.

We plan to film again this weekend and make sure we carry on this positive vibe, and good work.